Tag: the day is my enemy


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THE PRODIGY ‘THE DAY IS MY ENEMY’ (Take Me To The Hospital / Cooking Vinyl) + THE FOX STALKS LONDON !

#1 in THE UK (mainstream) Official ALBUM CHART!
#1 in Scotland (Dance and Indie Album Chart)
#1 in Ireland (Indie Album Chart and #4 in Mainstream Chart)

Last night The Prodigy’s latest album – The Day Is My Enemy – crashed into the #1 spot in the UK album chart, making them the first ever band to have six consecutive number 1 studio albums released independently in the UK.

image002 image003 image004Some recent praise for the record:

“The strongest and most confident Prodigy album since ‘The Fat Of The Land” ***** Kerrang!

“They’ve done it again and you can’t help but love ‘em for it” – 8/10 Mixmag

This is another shape-shifting evolution in a career full of them. That’ s how The Prodigy stay vital”. -Q

Thursday night also saw the bands now infamous fox – the night prowler featured on the cover of the new album – beamed 30ft high across famous London landmarks. It all kicked off at 8:30 with the fox appearing on Battersea Power Station, he then popped up on Shoreditch High Street at 10pm before stamping his sneering snarl all over the Houses of Parliament just a few hours after the end of the party leaders election debate.

Watch footage of the fox projections around town here –


‘The Day Is My Enemy’ is available now:

iTunes: http://po.st/iTunesTDIME

Stream: http://prdgy.co/DayIsMyEnemyStream



The Prodigy on track for sixth Number 1 album!

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It’s ‘official’!!!

In today’s Official UK Albums Chart Update (midweek) The Prodigy are Number One with their new album ‘The Day Is My Enemy’ Move over James Bay, as it stands on the Official Chart Company mid-weeks – The Prodigy are set to take the Number 1 spot in the UK albums chart for the 6th time in their career this Sunday when the official UK album chart comes out.

‘THE PRODIGY –‘THE DAY IS MY ENEMY’ – OCC MID-WEEK #1! (Take Me To The Hospital / Cooking Vinyl) ALBUM OUT NOW’! http://po.st/iTunesTDIME

This week marks the release of The Prodigy’s long awaited 6th studio album ‘The Day Is My Enemy’. Having received smash reviews pretty much across the board – Liam Howlett, Keith Flint and Maxim prove they still have the Midas touch when it comes to incendiary electronic rock with zero compromise.


“The most exciting – and most angrily British – album of the year” ***** Kerrang!

“The strongest and most confident Prodigy album since ‘The Fat Of The Land” 8/10 NME

“They’ve done it again and you can’t help but love ‘em for it” 8/10 Mixmag

This is another shape-shifting evolution in a career full of them. That’ s how The Prodigy stay vital”. Q

Having streamed the full album on iTunes globally last week, this week sees Liam Howlett interviewed by Eddy Temple Morris for his ‘Rebel Radio’ playlist, exclusive to Spotify where they talk about the tracks that shaped his life and career, as well as taking part in the renowned ‘Ask Me Anything’ feature on global news & entertainment site Reddit last night.

Liam Howlett’s Rebel Radio playlist exclusively on Spotify

Listen now – http://prdgy.co/RebelRadioPlaylist

On his Spotify playlist Liam documents his lifetime in music. From the very beginning, aged about 10 or 12, he felt an instant affinity with Ska culture on hearing The Specials ‘Too Much Too Young’ – “I just remember standing in the record shop and looking at The Specials album and seeing those guys and thinking, man I wanna be in this gang, whoever these guys are these guys are cool you know… It’s the live version it’s just got that punk energy about it”. He moves on cite Grandmaster Flash, Public Enemy, Meat Beat Manifesto, Beastie Boys right through to The Ragga Twins, the White Stripes, QOTSA, Rage Against The Machine, Slipknot and even Ennio Morricone… “Morricone is quite clearly a genius and he is a man that, when I talk about sound, he’s a man that makes sound that you think ‘what is that? What made that noise? What is that?’ and that gives you a feeling and it’s just like, he’s just such a clever artist and producer”.

It’s a brilliant insight into the mind of the man who’s given us 20+ years of genre defining music and well worth a listen.

The Prodigy ‘The Day Is My Enemy’ – new album out now​!

iTunes: http://po.st/iTunesTDIME

Amazon: http://po.st/DayIsMyEnemyAllForm

The Prodigy Store: http://po.st/ProdigyStore

Stream: http://prdgy.co/DayIsMyEnemyStream

Also available from all good record stores and supermarkets! Go Get It!!!