Luke Hyland Announces New Single ‘Flames’ Out March 27th

Luke Hyland is a pop singer/songwriter based in Dublin. Born in Tipperary, he began his music career while living in Sydney, Australia. Luke intertwines his unique tone and songwriting ability with catchy hooks and a modern pop laden production.
Luke’s music, driven by strong emotive vocals and lucrative pop melodies, is enough to make anyone stop and listen. Boasting over 80,000 streams on Spotify, Luke strives to keep improving and building on his sound.
Coming from an acoustic background, his stripped back solo live performances are laced with a vulnerable rawness and mesmerising ability to capture the listeners attention, all with just an acoustic guitar.

He collaborates and records his songs with his accomplished producer and dear friend ‘Szabo’, based in London. Szabo’s talent and experience are reflected throughout Luke’s records, and it seems the two have a clear vision of what they want to achieve.
Flames, out on 27th March, is Luke’s 4th Studio single and is anticipated to be his biggest one yet. Starting of with a rich pop piano and a blaring trumpet, Flames is certain to mesmerise you straight from the very beginning. The song builds anticipation with deep pads and punchy synths right up to the chorus, where it delivers scintillating synth stabs teamed with a thumping kick. Hyland’s powerful vocals build from the ground up and soar throughout a powerful love song that will have you hooked from the first listen.
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