Tag: irish society of early harp

The Academy of Early Irish Harp launches its Spring Online classes + Online Group-Tuition Programmes

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The Academy of Early Irish Harp launches its Spring Online classes + Online Group-Tuition Programmes. 

Click here for more details: https://irishharp.org/acadamh

Invest in your skills and knowledge!

Affordable online harp classes tutored by international experts.

Post-beginner to professional level. All harps welcome!

What you get with each course:

  • six weekly 75-minute online group classes taught by experts
  • downloadable class materials to help you practice and learn
  • access to recordings of all your classes
  • a personalized web page with all your course materials and videos
  • access to your course videos until the start of the next term, or for as long as you are enrolled in ANY Acadamh na gCláirseach course

SPRING EARLY-BIRD DISCOUNT: enroll now for €99 and save 24% off the full price of €130. Offer ends 20 April, 2024.

Spring online courses, starting 4 May, 2024

Of love and lamentation: ancient harp music from Ireland


Course tutor: Alessia Bianchi


Discover heartfelt laments and love airs from the first printed collection of Irish music.

Some of the most enchanting aspects of Irish music are its heartfelt laments and love airs. Many are centuries old but still have the power to speak to the deepest parts of our modern souls. In this course you will discover two such laments and an air. All three are taken from the very first printed collection of Irish music, published in the heart of Dublin in 1724.

We will explore Alessia’s reconstructions of these, including historical playing techniques used by the old Irish harpers, working also on finer points of phrasing and dynamics. Along the way we will discover the stories and anecdotes behind the music.

Airs and graces: music from Scotland


Course tutors: James Ruff, Dr Tamzin Elliott



Explore Scotland’s evocative music from centuries past.

Come and explore Scotland’s evocative and beautiful music. Learn three pieces from seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth-century sources, guided by experts in performing Scottish repertory on the harp. Start the course with Suipair thighear Leoid [‘Lude’s super’], a fàilte [salute or welcome] piece attributed to Rorie Dall, ‘Blind Rorie’. Follow this up with the beautiful ‘Port Atholl’, a fitting contrast to the stately and regal Lude’s super. Round out the course with a sweet and unusual port collected by the Maclean Clephane sisters in the Hebrides, in the early nineteenth century.

In this course students will not only learn technical strategies for finding their way around new tunes, but also will gain insight into the arranging process and what goes into engaging with a manuscript.

Living heritage: learn from Irish and Scottish master musicians.


Course tutors: Allan Henderson, Breda Keville, Jimmy O’Brien Moran, Allan MacDonald, Ciarán Ó Gealbháin






Immerse yourself in the living traditions of Ireland and Scotland with master musicians

Learn about piping, vocal, and fiddling traditions from renowned master musicians in living Gaelic traditions, chosen for their rare and authentic style of music-making. Their deep, embedded knowledge, and ingrained style will help you to make your own music sound more authentically Gaelic. The aim of these six course sessions is to listen to, and learn from, master musicians who are steeped in their living traditions to see how they can give you a bit of style in your own playing, and help you turn dusty manuscript pages back into living music.

See: https://irishharp.org/acadamh for all details.