Tag: irish music festival

KNOCKANSTOCKAN festival announces full and final line up!

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Ireland’s Premier Independent Music & Arts festival 19th – 21st of July 2019 – FINAL LINE UP ANNOUNCEMENT!!


There will be music, acts and experiences that you won’t get anywhere else.

Why? Because KnockanStockan is more than just a festival:

It is the best place to go to find New Music

The setting: a breath-taking site overlooking the Blessington Lakes.

KnockanStockan returns for the Summer of 2019, with heavy emphasis on their ethos which is to support and… “Love New Music”. Today we give you the full final and our most impressive yet line-up announcement setting the bar higher than it’s ever been. A true representation of the high calibre of music in Ireland, an exceptionally eclectic line-up, a great mix of homegrown talent and artists of critical acclaim fitting for all musical tastes.

Happyalone | Jealous Of The Birds | Mango X MathMan | Ye Vagabonds | Emma Langford | JyellowL | Joshua Burnside | ZASKA | Bicurious | Emmet Kirwan | Hugh Cooney | Robocobra Quartet | Lunch Money (UK) | Just Mustard | Eve Belle | Kitt Philippa | TOUCAN | The Eskies | Tebi Rex | DJ Tahira (Brazil) | Dead Label | Bats | No Spill Blood | Chancer | The Wood Burning Savages | Junior Brother | PowPig | The Pale | BAILER | Silverbacks | THUMPER | Wastefellow | Solkatt | WOB! | Luka Palm | Galway Street Club | Rachael Boyd | Vernon Jane | Cherym | BOUTS | Zapho | Kean Kavanagh | TPM | KNEECAP | Shookrah | Farah Elle | The Scratch | Tribal Dance | Post Punk Podge & The Technohippies | Jinx Lennon | Hot Cops | Arvo Party | Brién | Five To Two | Leila Jane | Dowry | Slouch | Words That Burn | zhOra | Paddy Dennehy | My Uncle Stoat | Lemoncello | Elizabeth Moen | Niamh Regan  | Acid Granny | Craic Boi Mental feat Whip Girl | Soft Boy DJs | Good Name Djs | Myles Manley | Shakalak | Jailbirds  | I Am The Main Character | Captain Hotknives | Chief Keegan | 0phelia | Stevie Darragh  | Trainman Blues | Rowan | Halli | Hatchlings | GavinDaVinci | Hazey Haze | SENU | Synk | Bannered Mare | October Fires | Le Pizza Galaxie | Moley O Súilleabháin | Natalya O’Flaherty | Ailie. | Nealo | Mankyy & Clerk 5 | Cooks But We’re Chefs | GRAMOPHONE DISCMAN – TRAD RAVE | Culture Vultures | A Different Animal | Amy Montgomery | SHITHäTT | Naive Ted  | Mutefish | Trad Abuse | Calvin James | The Bonk | Ragairí | Do You Speak Bell? | Markas Carcas & The Trail Gang | Honey  | Kynsy | Wild Atlantic Wake | Sarah Jessica Fletcher & Tiffany Breakfast | Candlelit Tales | Andi | Traashboo | Jawbone | Mockie Ah’s Drag Extravaganza | Pyre Productions | The Groovin’ Grannies | Eclectic Ballroom | Strange Boy | Citrus | Hooplah dee da | Acrobatics Shenanigans | Suadela Bellydance | Laura Rossi | Fingerz | Munky | Stevie G & Hot Sauce Dance Crew | The Walkeleles | Dj Chef | Hipshaker | Dj Negligee | Guilty Boy Association | The Jobseekerz | Sacred Skin | Anna Mieke | Joe Byrne

A diverse musical line-up will be accompanied by additional treats for festival fans this year, featuring new collaborations, several international artists, spectacular new stage designs, new areas to explore, an array of art installations and endless performance art in many glorious forms. Each new addition to the festival will be a tasteful continuation to the KnockanStockan we know and love with additional features both complementing and elevating the festival’s remarkable reputation.


If you definitely want to come to KnockanStockan but can’t afford the full price of a ticket just now then the instalment plan is for you.

For a limited time you can pay a €52 deposit to reserve a ticket. Then simply pay the balance in 2 handy instalments before 12 noon on Thursday 18th July and your ticket will be sent out to you.

Carlsberg Unfiltered

Carlsberg Unfiltered, the headline sponsor of KnockanStockan 2019 is back again, bigger and better this year, with a Danish inspired takeover. Carlsberg Unfiltered is inspired by Danish values of simplicity and connection with nature, and its name reflects how the lager is made. The brewers have removed the filtration process, which leaves more natural flavours and body in the lager and produces a premium, great tasting, cloudy pilsner with subtle floral and hop notes.

Carlsberg Unfiltered Stage

KnockanStockan are excited to have Carlsberg return this year to collaborate on an exciting venue space with a Danish twist. The Unfiltered stage is making a comeback where guests can sit and watch performance art, intimate collaborations, interviews, comedy by day and dance to some of Ireland’s finest DJ collectives play on a stage in the centre of the festivities.

The Carlsberg Danish Quarter

Sit back, relax and soak up the atmosphere the Danish Way.  The main bar, the Danish Quarter hosted by Carlsberg, will overlook the main stage so you can enjoy a few pints whilst soaking in the festival atmosphere. Skål!

A much loved family friendly event, KnockanStockan is Ireland’s Premiere Small Festival which has earned the festival many awards throughout the years such as Best Line Up, Best Small Festival, Best Family Festival and Best Social Responsibility Award. The official Launch night will take place at Dublin’s newest Music Venues, Lost lane at 6.30pm on April 18th.

Not long after going on sale, Early Bird tickets to KS2019 have already sold out, a sure sign of excitement for the festival’s return:

Early Bird Tickets – SOLD OUT    

3 Day Festival Ticket (FRI-SUN CAMPING) €155

2 Day Festival Ticket (SAT & SUN CAMPING) €135

 1 Day Festival (SUN DAY TICKET) Ticket €65



Campervan Tickets €50

Bus Tickets €20 Dublin Return

Boutique Tents available here

via knockanstockan.ie

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