Tag: goodseed pr

Acts announced for the upcoming June & July shows of GIFTEDLIVE!

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…A new way to experience live music

Get closer to the bands you love, without leaving your house.

 Acts announced for the upcoming June & July shows!

GiftedLive.com are bringing you closer to the bands you love, without you having to leave the comfort of your home. It is a new ‘online music show’ set in a format similar to a TV show which is broadcasted live and direct from stunning venue: The Belfast Empire Music Hall. 

It’s the first music show of its kind – an online show based around a live gig. GiftedLive.com will feature the best new music around – from the established stars to the undiscovered gems – and gift it live to the world!

All GiftedLive.com shows are streamed for Free – Live & Online.  And if you’re worried that you’re missing out on the adrenaline-fuelled impact of a live gig, think about it for a while.

Where you ever at a gig and yet the sound quality wasn’t quite right for you? Did you ever envy those up at the front of stage? Never got into the VIP area you so desperately wanted to be in? That feeling will vanish once you watch your favourite band live – in real time – on your very own front of house seat, from your own home, lap top or mobile device.  GiftedLive.com offers you the chance to share in that live gig experience …but with all the creature comforts of home!

Then again, can always come down to The Belfast Empire Music Hall and witness the magic in person. It is a live gig after all! For those who do however want to attend the gigs in person, tickets are priced at £10 and are available at the door of The Empire Music Hall Belfast from 8:30pm onwards on the night of each show.

GiftedLive.com is hosted by presenter Kat Kirk. Each performance is filmed on multi-cameras and cut live on location. All performances are archived and available for viewing on www.GiftedLive.com

‘Gifted’ has been running at The Empire Music Hall for over 11 years and has showcased some of the finest talent to ever emerge from these shores.  Everyone from Duke Special to The Answer, Fighting with Wire, General Fiasco, The Riptide Movement, Desert Hearts, Olympic Lifts, Oppenheimer, Two Door Cinema Club; the list reads like a who’s who of Irish music.

Thursday 7th June:
Duke Special
The 1930s
Window Seats
Gavin James

+ Special Performances by

A Plastic Rose (Launch ‘Live’ show at 9pm – exclusive acoustic performance)
More Than Conquerors
Tom McShane

Thursday 5th July:

The Answer
(Exclusive performance of ‘Rise’ album)

David Kitt
The Riptide Movement
Cosmo Jarvis

+ Special Recorded Performances by

General Fiasco

To attend the above gigs in person: Doors: 8:30pm / Adm: £10 @ The Belfast Empire


See it for FREE Online

Shows starts at 9pm on @ http://www.giftedlive.com/
