Good Seed PR

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Hello and welcome to our New Site. Below you will find a bit of info about our Company, thanks for visiting!!

Good Seed Promotions is ideal for Artists who wish to take control of their careers and be apart of the business side of music as well as the creative. Our main goal is helping Artists and to gear them towards success, either to be signed to a major label or to go further into their careers as professional musicians and business minded professionals.

If taking control of your career is what you are interested in then by all means we will support you, help you and put our seal of approval on your Record / EP/ Single. Supporting OUR Artists is what we are about and guiding them to the next level.

We are now recruiting more acts and If this appeals to you then we should definitely talk. But hey while your here, stay awhile, put the kettle on and have a look about the site. It’s very new and there will be ongoing changes and alterations but you should get the general gist of it!

– Linda Coogan & Aoife Lanigan

Good Seed Records PR & Marketing

E: Linda linda[@]

E: Aoife goodseedrecs[@]

PH: 00 353 851659065

W: MS:

“Promoting Good Sturdy Growth”