Things To Do During Lockdown and Isolation. (So That You Don’t Crack Up)

In these trying times, many of use are missing the simple things we took for granted. Like a cosy pint in the pub witha loved one or friends. Going for a group Hike, the Cinema, House parties and come on lets not forget the obvious: going to gigs and concerts. Live music!
One of the most difficult aspects of the COVID_19 pandemic is that it changes how your friends and all that you do to show them affection and love from hugs and kisses and generally hanging out – into a deadly threat!
We have got together (online and over whatsapp) with the GSPR team here and put a few things to do while in isolation and during lock down that might make it easier to pass the time.
On Instagram:
There are so many of our fav artist now hosting free gigs and shows on their Instagram accounts. If you didnt catch John Legend and Chrissy Teigen on their Live show, you have to check it out:
Invite friends to online cocktails. There are lots of cool recipes here, you can shake your tin at:
There are a lot of FREE gigs happening, but over the last few weeks and over the months ahead many of our beloved musicians and bands are considerably out of pockets with shows being cancelled. There is a new start up called NETGIGS who aim to bring you pay-per-view shows from your fav artists. If you ARE in a band, and want to find out how you can host your own show and make money while you’re at it from the comfort of your home during the COVID_19 lockdown you can reach out to them online at their homepage. And for everyone else you can check out the site over at
Fitness Blender have some brilliant free training and excercise workouts on their YouTube channel, so that you can stay healthy while in isolation. Some of the workouts can be done with no equiptment, which means you don’t have to have a home gym set up, you can do it without anything at all but the limbs on your body and some stamina! See for all workouts.
Given that movie goers can no longer attend the Cinema, apps like Rakuten TV, Now Tv, Netflix and Amazon Prime, not to forget Disney! have brilliant platforms where you can watch all your fav movies, tv shows and cinema releases. We are loving Rakuten for the latest cinema releases, but al the others have great shows and entertainment too!
Ciara here on the team is an avid PODCAST lover. She has recommended a list of cool podcasts you can check out over on Spotify.
Ted Talks:
Crowd Science podcast:
Crime Podcast:
Short Stuff:
You can also sort out your clothes, redecorate your room/apartment/house, read a book, or start an online college course!
We will leave you with this: Who knows there Dublin Pubs 😉 Stay safe out there.
GSPR Crew xxx
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