Acoustra, doing it for the Kids….
We think any act that travels to another country after raising money for poor unfortunate kids in orphanages, to personally deliver it to them and make sure it reaches them in order that they can have an increased value of life, deserve medals of honour! Absolutely fair play to Acoustra.
They release their FREE EP this Friday March11th – do your ears a favour and check out their wonderful music- from Trad to folk at its best:
They will also be talking exclusive to Pat Kenny on RTE radio 1 next Friday morning about their recent charity trip, rounding up almost half a million Euros for the charity of The Irish Society of Azerbaijan and gigs they have coming up, as well as performing 2 live tracks from their ep titled ‘the way it used to be’.
But in the meantime, get downloading their new EP – which tells of the current hardship we all face at the moment and the turmoil the government has the country in! Along with TECHNO TRAD- a staggering instrumental that will get your foot tapping and ready for Paddys day!
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